Tourism, Retail & Property





KG investments promote development of critical infrastructure in places where there is often a shortage of business class hotels for potential investors. They send a positive signal to other investors and mixed-use hotel, commercial and real estate complexes create venues for international conferences, and basic infrastructure like roads, metro railways, power, and telecommunications in leisure destinations.


Our retail projects in several broad subsectors include the full range of retailing, shopping malls, entertainment, and distribution (warehousing and logistics). KG offers finances on supermarket and hypermarket chains, apparel distributors, specialty shops, coffee shops, do-it-yourself stores, and electronics stores. We encourage new and experienced players to invest in projects that blend profit potential with job creation and environmental stewardship, a combination that can benefit companies, local consumers, and the country as a whole.


Rapid urbanization has created booming demand for housing and commercial property.  Through investments in property, KG aims to promote development of affordable housing and essential urban infrastructure, incorporating the latest green building standards and technology. In addition to housing, KG invests in commercial property to create the infrastructure businesses need to grow.

Kingdom Group focuses on key industries that form the foundation of sustainable growth and that provide affordable goods and services to consumers, create jobs, contribute to government revenue, and stimulate the growth of local small and medium enterprises.